Global Lists menu


The Global Lists are tables where information used in defining and shared by all Security Configurations are stored and maintained.

Security Object

The Security Object menu is where all Web App users called as Security Objects are managed. Only administrators has the privilege to view this screen. A Security Object can be either an Active Directory user, Active Directory group or SQL Server user. These are the only three types of users that the Web App supports during authentication.

Each user of gINT must be either listed as a user or a member of an Active Directory group. If a user of gINT is resolved to be in multiple Security Objects, the most positive resulting right will be used.

Global Lists > Security Objects screen

Security Object NameColumnThe name of the Security Object.
Security Object TypeColumn

The type of Security Object.

  • AD User - Active Directory user
  • AD Group - Active Directory Group
  • SQL User - SQL Server user login

Checked if assigned as administrator, otherwise normal user.

  • Administrator - Full read/write permission to all Web App screens
  • Normal user - Read only
Allow LoginColumnChecked if allowed access into Web App.
Add Security ObjectActionLaunch window to add new Security Object.
SaveActionUpdates changes made.
CancelActionUndo changes made.
DeleteActionRemoves selected Security Object record.

The DSTE checks permission at the user level first. If a user granted access (Allow Login=Enabled) then the user can already log into the system. Otherwise, DSTE will next rely on permission at the group level to allow access if the user is a member of any group that allowed login.

Security Status

The Security Status menu contains the list of Security Status. This is assigned to that particular Security Object that dictates the highest status of the data processing that a user may edit data. For example, Proposed, Preliminary, Final Release to Client. When entering data in INPUT tab, for every unique PointID there is a status for that record which defines the stage in data processing a user is at.

Example: If a PointID has Status 3, Security Objects with status less than 3 are not allowed to modify data in tables where the Status Table is POINT and Status Field is Point_Status.

The Security Status may be either a number or a string (word). Each Security Status must have and Status Order. The lowest value of the Security Status will have the less permissions allowed.

Global Lists > Security Status screen

Status CodeColumnSecurity Status code.
Status OrderColumnSecurity Status order.
DescriptionColumnDescription of Security Status.
RemarkColumnAdditional information.
Add new recordActionAdds a new empty row for new Security Status input.
DeleteActionRemoves selected Security Status record.
EditActionSwitches row to editable mode.

gINT Command

This menu shows the list of the gINT Commands available in gINT (e.g. Save, Preview, etc.). A complete list of gINT commands can be viewed in gINT's Online help page Summary Table of Commands.

Global Lists > gINT Command screen

Command NumberColumngINT command number.
Command EnumerationColumngINT command enumeration.
Add new recordActionAdds a new empty row for new gINT Command input.
Save changesActionUpdates any changes made.
Cancel changesActionUndo any changes made.
DeleteActionRemoves selected gINT Command record.

gINT Application

This menu shows the list of the gINT Applications available in gINT (e.g. Symbol Design Well, Data Design Project Database, etc.).

Global Lists > gINT Application screen

gINT Application NumberColumngINT Application Number.
gINT Application EnumerationColumngINT Application Enumeration.
Add new recordActionAdds a new empty row for new gINT Application input.
Save changesActionUpdate any changes made.
Cancel changesActionUndo any changes made.
DeleteActionRemoves selected gINT Application record.

gINT Application Group

This form shows the list of the gINT Application Groups available in gINT (e.g. Output, Report Design, etc.).

Global Lists > gINT Application Group screen

gINT Application Group NumberColumngINT Application Group Number.
gINT Application Group EnumerationColumngINT Application Group Enumeration.
Add new recordActionAdds a new empty row for new gINT Application Group input.
Save changesActionUpdate any changes made.
Cancel changesActionUndo any changes made.
DeleteActionRemoves selected gINT Application Group record.


This form shows the list of the Add-In method names. This is user specific to your library, and its code is needed in Sax Basic to make this work.

Global Lists > Add-in screen

Procedure NameColumnAdd-In procedure name.
RemarkColumnAdditional information.
Add new recordActionAdds a new empty row for new Add-In input.
DeleteActionRemoves selected Add-In record.
EditActionSwitches row to editable mode.

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