Report Symbology

The Symbology feature in the CPT Tool provides a way to dynamically configure the output and presentation of derived parameter and correlation plots and text entities in the CPT gINT reports with relative ease. Almost all aspects of the entities are configurable, from the plot line colour/type, minimum/maximum scale, to units and header text.

Symbology Table Structure

The Symbology configuration can be applied to differing levels of scope, from the Library (global), Project and PointID. On output of a report, the configuration in the PointID level takes precedence over Project, followed by Library. If no configuration exists for the PointID level, it will look to the Project level, then Library. This hierarchical system allows you to configure differing sets of configuration to a particular project, or a single/selected group of PointIDs, with the default configuration being in the library.


There are two Symbology tables in the gINT library, DG_CPT_SYMBOLOGY and DG_CPT_SYMBOLOGY_SCALES_UNITS.
DG_CPT_SYMBOLOGY is the place to store your default/project level configuration of your CPT derived parameters/correlation entities in your CPT log, fence and graph reports.

DG_CPT_SYMBOLOGY_SCALES_UNITS is the place to store configuration options that may differ in value depending on the currently selected unit system.


The project-specific Symbology table in the gINT Project database is called CPT_PROJECT_SYMBOLOGY. Configuration values entered here apply to all CPTs in the current project only. Configuration values entered in this table will override the values in the library Symbology table.


The project-specific Symbology table in the gINT Project database is called CPT_POINT_SYMBOLOGY. Configuration values entered here apply to all CPTs in the current project only. Configuration values entered in this table will override the values in the library Symbology table.

Configurable Options


Field Name


Configured In


Unique identifier of the correlation or parameter. New Parameters can be added in DG_CPT_SYMBOLOGY only.

Library, Project, Point

gINT Field Name

Table/Field reference of the parameter. Value is used in the CPT log/fence reports, and must be in <<TABLE.Field>> format. This value should only be modified if you have renamed the corresponding field in your Project database.


SQL Field Name

Table/Field reference of the parameter. Value is used in SQL Queries in the CPT log/fence reports, and must be in [TABLE].[Field] format. This value should only be modified if you have renamed the corresponding field in your Project database.


SQL Table Name

Table reference of the parameter. Value is used in SQL Queries in the CPT log/fence reports, and must be in [Table] format.


Line Colour

Line colour displayed to represent the parameter in the CPT log/fence report plot entities.

Library, Project, Point

Line Type

Line type displayed to represent the parameter in the CPT log/fence report plot entities.

Library, Project, Point

Comparison Line Type

Line type displayed to represent the comparison parameter in the comparison CPT log/fence report plot entities.

Library, Project, Point

Line Thickness

Line thickness displayed to represent the parameter in the CPT log/fence report plot entities.

Library, Project, Point

Data Marker

Data Marker displayed to represent the parameter in the CPT log/fence report plot entities and graph reports, in millimetres.

Library, Project, Point

Data Marker Height Log

Height of Data Marker displayed to represent the parameter in the CPT log/fence report plot entities in millimetres.

Library, Project, Point

Data Marker Height Graph

Height of Data Marker displayed to represent the parameter in the CPT graph reports, in millimetres.

Library, Project, Point

Show on Report

Enter True to show the parameter in the CPT log/fence report plot entities, False to hide.

Library, Project, Point


Name of the parameter. This value will appear in the header of the CPT log/Fence report plot entities, and in the axis label of CPT graphs.
Name takes precedence over Abbreviation on log and graph reports, and Abbreviation takes precedence over Name on fence reports.
If the Parameter is a part of a grouped/numbered series (e.g. Undrained Shear Strength 1, Undrained Shear Strength 2, etc.), then the name of the first parameter in the series will be displayed in the header of the plot.



Abbreviated name of the parameter. This value will appear in the header of the CPT log/Fence report plot entities, and in the axis label of CPT graphs.
Name takes precedence over Abbreviation on log and graph reports, and Abbreviation takes precedence over Name on fence reports.
If the parameter is a part of a grouped/numbered series (e.g. Undrained Shear Strength 1, Undrained Shear Strength 2, etc.), then the abbreviation of the first parameter in the series will be displayed in the header of the plot.



Reference of the parameter. This value will appear in headers and legends in CPT log, fence and graph reports.
Reference Short takes precedence over Reference on log and fence reports.
Legends in the CPT graph reports only use Reference.


Reference Short

Shortened reference of the parameter. This value will appear in headers and legends in CPT log and fence reports.
Reference Short takes precedence over Reference on log and fence reports.
Reference Short is not used in Graph Reports.


Header Legend Type

Legend type displayed in the header of CPT log/Fence report plot entities.
Number displays the number in the series of parameters, a line and data marker that represents that parameter, for each parameter in the series.
Reference displays the reference as entered in the Reference or Reference Short fields in the Symbology for each parameter in the series. The reference text is coloured to the line colour assigned to the parameter.

Library, Project, Point

Scale Not Applicable

Check to make the scale fields on point and project symbology grey/read-only


Design Line Field

Field in the design line data table related to the parameter, set in format [Table}.[Field]. Only set this for parameter 1 of a set of correlations. For example, Coefficient Lateral Earth Pressure 1 has a value of
<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="cdd503db-6669-4b1c-b42e-aa88d5219af5"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[[CPT_DESIGN_LINE_DATA].[Coefficient_Lateral_Earth_Pressure]



Field Name


Unit System

Unit System the parameter configuration is applicable to


Unique identifier of the correlation or parameter.


Unit of the parameter, value will be displayed in the header section of the log/fence column.

Minimum Scale

Minimum axis scale of the CPT log/fence report plot entities. gINT Expressions can be entered in the library Symbology table only. Numeric values can be entered in all Symbology tables.
If the Parameter is a part of a grouped/numbered series (e.g. Undrained Shear Strength 1, Undrained Shear Strength 2, etc.), then the minimum scale of the first parameter in the series will be displayed on the plot.

Maximum Scale

Maximum axis scale of the CPT log/fence report plot entities. gINT Expressions can be entered in the library Symbology table only. Numeric values can be entered in all Symbology tables.
If the Parameter is a part of a grouped/numbered series (e.g. Undrained Shear Strength 1, Undrained Shear Strength 2, etc.), then the maximum scale of the first parameter in the series will be displayed on the plot.

Automatic Scale

Automatically define the minimum and maximum scale for the CPT log/fence report plot entity.
PointID retrieves the minimum and maximum values for the PointID currently outputted.
Project retrieves the minimum and maximum values for the entire project. Clear the cell to turn off automatic scale.

Automatic Scale Round To

Number of decimal places to round the minimum and maximum scales to, if Automatic Scale is used.

Number of Divisions

Number of divisions in the CPT log/fence report plot entities. This value controls the number of division lines visible in the plot entity, as well as the scale values at each division.
If the Parameter is a part of a grouped/numbered series (e.g. Undrained Shear Strength 1, Undrained Shear Strength 2, etc.), then the number of divisions of the first parameter in the series will be applied to the plot.

Header Legend Type

Legend type displayed in the header of CPT log/Fence report plot entities.
Number displays the number in the series of parameters, a line and data marker that represents that parameter, for each parameter in the series.
Reference displays the reference as entered in the Reference or Reference Short fields in the Symbology for each parameter in the series. The reference text is coloured to the line colour assigned to the parameter.

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