Trialling gINT Connect Edition

Trialling gINT version 10.0.1+ connection edition takes a few steps to get started.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Obtain the latest gINT Installer, you can email
  2. Install gINT with a local admin user account, the file name is in the format gint10######en.exe.  You can use all defaults if you plan to use a Datgel Tool, or have an existing set of gINT user files.  But if you want to use a standard set of gINT user files, you should select it on the Custom Setup screen. For more information see How to install gINT Standard User Files.
  3. In the Windows System Tray, click on the Connection client  and the the register link.  Create a user account on using your gmail account. Best to avoid your company email just in case that causes QTL invoices.
  4. Login to the connection client using that account
  5. Now open gINT by double clicking on the desktop icon.  It should automatically begin a 7 day trial. 
  6. When gINT opens it needs a library file (*.glb).  If you installed a set of standard gINT user files, that will be used be default. Otherwise you need to browse to the Datgel add-in's library or other library.

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