gINT Rules


gINT Rules are additional programmed functions written in VBA or .NET. Some automatically run as you enter data or move through the INPUT or Library Data applications, others are run when an Add-In menu is called by the user, or when user files are opened.


A license must be activated for these functions to run. Normally a network USB hardware type license is provided. Please refer to Datgel's fulfilment email to determine your license status.

Table and System events

A number of gINT Rules procedures are included in the DAST program to validate data entry, optimise data entry and calculate data. These include:

  • Calculation of Lugeon Water Test

Add-In commands

Add-In commands are available from the menu INPUT | Add-Ins > Datgel Advanced In Situ Tool. These include:

  • Settings: This forms manages the Advanced In Situ Tool software exception logging options.
  • Licensing: In this command you can manage the license configuration.
  • About: This command will display information about the Advanced In Situ Tool product.
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