Using Fence Reports


Fence Reports for range of page sizes and orientations have been set up, and they all operate the same way.

User Report Variables

The user report variables can be used to define the details of the title block, the properties of the site map and how the entities are displayed on the Fence Report. They appear when you output a report. A list of the user report variables and an explanation of how they are used is provided below in Table.

In the following table is a list of Report User Variables. If the value of a Report User Variable is L# / R#, it means that: if a L is entered in these fields will print the info on the left side of the fence posts and R will print the info on the right side; if data exists for that hole. Enter a number after L or R to offset the entity in that direction by that number in mm. For example, L10 will print the entity on the left side offset by 10 mm.





Subsurface Section

Report title


Enter person's initials/name

Drawn Date

Enter date (dd/mm/yyyy)


Enter person's initials/name

Checked Date

Enter date (dd/mm/yyyy)

Figure Number

Enter text. If left blank, it will default to "Figure 1".

Map Orientation

B, N

Sets the orientation of the site map. B = Baseline end points (default), N = North up

Override Sitemap Scale

1 (for 1:1000)

Overrides the scale of the site map by the selected value. By default the site map scale is the same as the fence x axis

Sitemap Lower Left Corner East

Overrides the coordinates of the lower left hand corner of the site map to the specified coordinates (m).

Sitemap Lower Left Corner North

Sitemap Angle Relative North CCW

Rotates the site map counter-clockwise through the specified angle (deg). If the coordinates of the lower left corner are specified, the rotation is centred on the lower left corner, otherwise it is centred on the centre of the site map entities



L = Legend/material graphic (default)

S = Stick/Line

OR = Origin Colour

C = CPT Soil Behaviour Type Colour

L OR = Legend / Material Graphic and Origin Colour

L C = Legend / CPT Soil Behaviour Type Colour

DGD Only:

GU1 = Geology Project Unit 1 Colour

GU2 = Geology Project Unit 2 Colour

GUD = Geology Project Unit 1 & 2 Colour

GU3 = Geology Project Unit 3 Colour

L GU1 = Legend / Material Graphic with Geology Project Unit 1 Colour

L GU2 = Legend / Material Graphic with Geology Project Unit 2 Colour

L GU3 = Legend / Material Graphic with Geology Project Unit 3 Colour

GF1 = Geology Project Unit 1 Fill

GF2 = Geology Project Unit 2 Fill

GFD = Geology Project Unit 1 & 2 Fill

GF3 = Geology Project Unit 3 Fill

AGS RTA only:

G1 = Geology Project Unit 1 Colour

G2 = Geology Project Unit 2 Colour

GD = Geology Project Unit 1 & 2 Colour

GM = Geology Map Code Colour

GG = Geology Project Unit from General Symbols

L G1 = Legend / Material Graphic and Geology Project Unit Colour

L G2 = Legend / Material Graphic and Geology Project Unit 2 Colour

L GM = Legend / Material Graphic and Geology Map Code Colour

Stick CPT


Stick DCP


Stick Width


Allows the user to set the stick width in mm

Coloured Graphic Log

Black, General Symbol, Origin

Sets the graphic log colour source, leave blank for default colour.

Black: Override all colours to Black

General Symbol: General Symbols will be used instead of the default Material Symbols

Origin: Material Symbols set to origin colour

Post Header Text


Multiple options for the position and orientation of the post header

EOH Text


Multiple options to print hole depth and elevation at bottom of fence post

Text Height Extra Large


The user can set the Text Height in mm. As an example, Extra Large = 3, Large = 2.5, Medium = 1.75 and Small = 1.25. The Default values are: Extra Large = 2, Large = 1.5, Medium = 1 and Small = 0.75.

Text Height Large


Text Height Medium


Text Height Small


Scope Geology Unit Legend

Project, Current Fence

Defines the scope of the geology unit legend

Depth Scale

L# / R#

L entered in these fields will print the info on the left side of the fence posts and R will print the info on the right side; if data exists for that hole.

Depth Scale Option

Auto, 1

Auto - scale the interval automatically

1 – always 1 m

Material Name

L# / R#

Graphic Name

L# / R#

Material Graphic Scale

x1 (by default), x0.5, x0.75, x1.25, x1.5, x1.75, x20.

Graphic Legend Elevation

L# / R#

Origin Text

L# / R#

Formation Text

L# / R#

Only applies to DGD, data on STRATA_SOIL_BS

Geology Unit 1 Text

L# / R#

Geology Unit 2 Text

L# / R#

Geology Unit 3 Text

L# / R#

Geology Unit 1-2 Text

L# / R#

Only applies to DGD 

Unit Elevation

L# / R#


L# / R#

VS Text

L# / R#

SPT N Text

L# / R#

SPT N Text Option

N=# or N#

Defines the N SPT Format

SPT N Plot

L# / R#

The maximum scale is stored in SPT N Value on Plots for Refusal table Options | Project Options, otherwise 50.

SPT N Plot Option

Red Dot, Line and Number

SPT N and RQD Plot

L# / R#

SPT N Plot Scale Position

Min closest to stick (by default), Max closest to stick, Min-Max, Max-Min

SPT N and RQD Plot Scale Position

Min closest to stick (by default), Max closest to stick, Min-Max, Max-Min

Pocket Penetrometer Text

L# / R#

Torvane Test Text

L# / R#

Lab Vane Test Text

L# / R#

Su from PP Text

L# / R#

Sample Interval

L# / R#

Sample Text

L# / R#

Display Core Sample Text


Checked by Default

Consistency Text

L# / R#

Rock Strength Text

L# / R#

Rock Strength Histogram

L# / R#

Rock Strength Histogram Scale Position

Min closest to stick (by default), Max closest to stick, Min-Max, Max-Min

Rock Strength Bar Plot

L# / R#

Rock Strength Bar Plot Scale Position

Min closest to stick (by default), Max closest to stick, Min-Max, Max-Min

Display Point Load Test


Fracture Spacing Histogram

L# / R#

Fracture Spacing Hist Scale Position

Min closest to stick (by default), Max closest to stick, Min-Max, Max-Min

Fracture Spacing Bar Chart

L# / R#

Fracture Spacing Bar Chart Scale Pos

Min closest to stick (by default), Max closest to stick, Min-Max, Max-Min

Fracture Frequency Plot

L# / R#

Fracture Frequency Plot Scale Position

Min closest to stick (by default), Max closest to stick, Min-Max, Max-Min

Weathering Text

L# / R#

Weathering Histogram

L# / R#

Weathering Histogram Scale Position

Min closest to stick (by default), Max closest to stick, Min-Max, Max-Min

Weathering Bar Chart

L# / R#

Weathering Bar Chart Scale Position

Min closest to stick (by default), Max closest to stick, Min-Max, Max-Min

TCR Histogram

L# / R#

TCR Histogram Scale Position

Min closest to stick (by default), Max closest to stick, Min-Max, Max-Min

RQD Histogram

L# / R#

RQD Histogram Scale Position

Min closest to stick (by default), Max closest to stick, Min-Max, Max-Min

Core Histogram Option

Solid & Hollow

Defines the histogram format.

TCR Text

L# / R#

RQD Text

L# / R#

RMR Histogram

L# / R#

RMR Histogram Scale Position

Min closest to stick (by default), Max closest to stick, Min-Max, Max-Min

Core Loss

L# / R#

Major Defects


Defect Line

L# / R# / C

DCP Plot

L# / R#

DCP Column Width


Defines the width (mm) of the DCP column

DCP Max Value


Defines the maximum value of the DCP column scale

DCP Plot Scale Position

Min closest to stick (by default), Max closest to stick, Min-Max, Max-Min

qc qt Max Scale

5, 10, 20, 40

qc Rf Plot

t, c

Core Image Column Type


The Type of Core Column field determines which core photo column type to print on the fence posts. The available options are: VSC (Visual Sketch Column), CPC (Core Photo Column), DIC (Downhole Image Column) and VSC & CPC (Visual Sketch Column and Core Photo Column.

The Core Image Column field determines whether to print the core photo column on the left or right side of the fence posts. This field must be assigned a value when the type of Core Column field is assigned.

Core Image Column Position

L# / R#

Drilling Water Levels

L# / R#

Piezo Levels

L# / R#

iezo Static Level

L# / R#

A level symbol and line when field [MON_PIEZOMETER_READINGS].[Static] is checked


L# / R#

The Backfill field will print the piezometer column if data is found in the Piezometer table. Otherwise, it will print the well column from the Backfill/Well table.

Well Area Width


Well Area Width defines the width (mm) of the backfill column

In situ Perm Text

L# / R#

In situ Perm K Plot

L# / R#

In situ Perm K Plot Scale Position

Min closest to stick (by default), Max closest to stick, Min-Max, Max-Min

In situ Perm Lugeon Plot

L# / R#

In situ Perm Lugeon Plot Scale Position

Min closest to stick (by default), Max closest to stick, Min-Max, Max-Min

In situ Density

L# / R#

In situ Density Scale Position

Min closest to stick (by default), Max closest to stick, Min-Max, Max-Min

Lab USCS Text

L# / R#

PSD Percent Fines Text

L# / R#

PSD D50 Text

L# / R#


L# / R#

Plasticity Index Text

L# / R#

Liquidity Index Text

L# / R#

Moisture Content Text

L# / R#

Dry Density Text

L# / R#

Bulk Density Text

L# / R#

Emerson Class Text

L# / R#

Consolidation Text

L# / R#

Lab CBR Text

L# / R#

OCR Text

L# / R#

Direct Shear Text

L# / R#

Compaction Text

L# / R#

Triaxial Effective Stress Text

L# / R#

Triaxial Total Stress Text

L# / R#

Shrink-Swell Index Text

L# / R#

Point Load Index Text

L# / R#

UCS Text

L# / R#

Rock Tensile Strength Text

L# / R#

Ten Percent Fines Text

L# / R#

Organic Matter Text

L# / R#

Only applies to DGD

pH Text

L# / R#

Only applies to DGD

Carbonate Content Text

L# / R#

Only applies to DGD 

Sulphate Content Text

L# / R#

Only applies to DGD

Chloride Content Text

L# / R#

Suspended Solids Text

L# / R#

Only applies to DGD 

Acid Sulphate Soil Text

L# / R#

Loss On Ignition Text

L# / R#

Only applies to DGD

Resistivity Text

L# / R#

Thermal Conductivity Text

L# / R#

Only applies to DGD

ASS Display Liming Rate Net


Note: Scr cannot be shown with SPOS. If both Scr and SOS are checked, then Scr will be shown.





ASS Net Acidity


ASS Potential


ASS Criteria


Entering Q will post the QASSIT Criteria data on the fence posts, and entering T will post the ASS Types on the fence posts.

ASS Left Offset


Distance in mm the ASS entities on the left / right side of the post will offset, default is 0.


ASS Right Offset


Geotech Chem Plot Left Code


Geotech Chem Plot Left Code: To select the chemical test to print. Geotech Chem Plot Left will print a graph with the results stored in the Geotechnical Chemistry table (Lab-Chem Group) in the Left side of the stick. To print a graph:

Geotech Chem Plot Left Test Type


Geotech Chem Plot Left Test Type: To select the Test Type.

Geotech Chem Plot Left Code Unit


Geotech Chem Plot Left Code Unit: Select the unit of the result.

Geotech Chem Plot Left Minimum


Geotech Chem Plot Left Minimum and Maximum are the limit values of the scale in the printed graph.

Geotech Chem Plot Left Maximum


Geotech Chem Plot Right Code


Same functionality as the Geotech Chem Plot Left. In this case the graph will be printed in the right side  


Geotech Chem Plot Right Test Type


Geotech Chem Plot Right Code Unit


Geotech Chem Plot Right Minimum


Geotech Chem Plot Right Maximum


Geotech Chem Plot Scale Position

Min closest to stick (by default), Max closest to stick, Min-Max, Max-Min

Fence Output Tool is designed to work with reports FENCE CROSS SECTION 2 X 2 A3L and FENCE MAP CROSS SECTION 1 X 1 A3L. These have special place holders in some URV.

The following image shows a standard reports user report variables.

Post Legend Example

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