Add a heading to AGS4
In this tutorial you will learn how to create a user definable heading in AGS4 format for export using the following requirements:
- AGS4 group: SCPP
- AGS4 heading: SCPP_ISBT
- Database field: CPT_DATA.Soil_Behaviour_Type_Index_3
- Data format: double/float with 2 decimal place precision
- Heading Description: Non-normalized soil behaviour type index (Robertson 2010), ISBT = ((C1 - log((qt or qc) / pa)^2 + (log(Rf) + C2)^2)^0.5
- Unit: -
- Example: 2.85
- AGS table heading ordinate: 14. It must be after the standard headings.
DICT_AGS_4 data
This table's data populated the DICT group in the AGS4 file when exporting.
Add new heading to skeleton AGS4 file
The gINT correspondence file designed references an AGS file to define the headings and groups that can be seen in the interface. Hence we need to add the new heading to our referenced AGS file. In our case this is a skeleton file (has no data) named ags 4.0.# NZ-D-SCPP skeleton.ags. If you don't have this file you may need to ask Datgel Technical Support for it.
Open the file in Notepad++, and add the indicated data:
Edit AGS gcx file
- Move to DATA DESIGN | Correspondence Files, and open datgel cpt tool dgd #.## si ags4.0.# scpp from cpt data ##.gcx.
- Assign the file locations for the Target File and Source File, since they will be different on your PC compared to Datgel's PCs.
- Select SCPP in Target Table.
- Click Refresh Fields Current.
Using the data tool where possible, enter the Source Expression for Target Field SCPP_ISBT.
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