Save and Open Configuration

User defined form configurations may be saved and recalled. Refer to section Menus and Toolbar for a definition of each command and tool bar button.

Storage Location

Configurations may be stored in 5 locations, the first 4 are defined by the Location combo box in the toolbar, and XML is imported and exported via commands in the Configuration menu:

  • Project: Stored in a project file and available to all users of that project file. The project file used is dependent on the data source:
    • Current Single Project: The Configuration is stored in the current project file
    • Non-Current Single Project: The Configuration is stored in the non-current project
    • Multiple Project: The Configuration is stored in the first project listed in the multi project grid
  • Library: Stored in the current library, and available to all users when using any project file
  • Computer: Stored on the local computer, and available to all users of that computer
  • User: Stored on the local computer, and available to only the current user
  • XML: XML files storing configurations may be imported and exported via the Import Configuration from XML (Ctrl+I) and Export Current Configuration to XML (Ctr+E) commands. This allows for easy transfer of configurations via email