Check 1 - Compliance with AGS Format Rules


The data format and integrity check ensures that the electronic data received complies with the AGS 3.1 rules with the addition of the changes to the rule as specified in the AGS 3.1 (SG) Data Dictionary documentation. Additionally, this check ensures that the data structure, such as the Groups and Headings of the received data corresponds to the AGS 3.1 (SG) structure, the syntax of the Group and Heading names are in the correct structure, and also checks for the referential integrity of the data, such as a group with no parent group, and records that do not have a corresponding parent record.


AGS Checker Log

Open the AGS Checker Log in a text editor. The messages in the error log will be sorted by the severity of the error. There are 3 types of errors:

  • ERROR = Broke a specified AGS version 3 rule.
  • WARNING = Condition that could compromise data quality.
  • FYI = For Your Information only. Unnecessary or redundant data or missing, non-critical, descriptive data.

These definitions are also on the header of the error log report. For this check, the only error messages that are relevant to this check are the ones labelled "ERROR".

If there are no messages of the ERROR type, proceed to check 2. You can ignore the WARNING and FYI error messages for now. Otherwise, forward the error log to the Data Generator to sort out the errors.

The AGS Checker version 8.3.3.X includes data type and unit checking against a *.gas file. For example 2 typical errors are shown below.

ERROR: Line 1946 - Data does not match Type: SAMP, Field = SAMP_BASE, Type = 2DP, Units = m, Value = 57
ERROR: Line 3494 - Data does not match Type: ?TRET, Field = ?TRET_IMC, Type = MC, Units = %, Value = 9.8

AGS Data Import Log

Open the AGS Data Import Log in a text editor and review the error messages. The file contains:

  1. gINT Version and file names

    gINT Import/Merge Log: 2/02/2009 2:41:45 PM
    Source File: P:\gINT Files\7.ags
    Target File: p:\gINT Files\import test.gpj
    Correspondence file: P:\gINT Files\ags 3.1 (sg) to bca 1.07 03.1.gci

  2. Number of records imported

    48282 Records imported.

  3. Source tables and record counts

    HOLE: 243 records OK

  4. Target tables and record count imported

    POINT: 243 records OK

  5. Useful to compare record numbers in 3 and 4

    Records not writeable
    Record 1: DICT: Key: 'GROUP,BKFL,' Overwrite not allowed. Duplicate key value.

  6. This will list data that can't be imported because it would create a duplicate record, or fields/tables don't exist to receive the data.

    Ignore error relates to the DICT overwrite – these are not a problem.

  7. The following Correspondence File source expressions have fields that could not be found in the source file


  8. This is generally not a problem because not all data types will be in an AGS file.

    gINT Rules error messages from events triggered during import
    'Base' value must be greater or equal to the 'Top' value
    Table: DISC
    Data set: BH285P
    Row 14 (Keys: BH285P,6.55,6,,), Column 'DISC_NUMB'

  9. The above example describes a data validation error. These require critical review.

The reviewer must make an informed assessment of the errors and forward details of errors problematic to the data integrity to the Data Generator for correction.

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