Copy Field Tool


This tool allows you to copy one or more fields from one table and paste them to one or more tables.


  1. Run the Add-In. In gINT INPUT, go to Add-Ins > Datgel <Name> Tool > Copy Field Tool.
  2. The form will pop up. 
  3. You can choose the Source table from the drop-down list. The left list box will show the available fields for the selected table.
  4. Select the fields you want to copy in the left list box. You can select more than one field by holding pressed the CTRL key and clicking in the required fields. 
  5. To choose the tables where the fields will be copied to, you can select them in the right text box. Hold CTRL to select multiple tables.
  6. Alternatively, you can import a .txt file to automatically select target tables. The .txt file should have names of the target tables like shown in the following example image, i.e. a list of tables separated by CrLf.
  7. Then click on execute.
  8. Once the copy process is finished, an information message will pop up.

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