Carbonate Content

Carbonate Content Calibration

Lab-Chem | Carbonate Content Calibration

Complete the data entry fields and enter any other associated metadata as required. The value entered in the Calibration_ID field will then be used in the lookup list in the Calibration_ID field on the Carbonate_Content table.

Supported Test Methods



ASTM D 4373-02(2007)

Rapid determination of Carbonate Content of soils

BS 1377-3:1990:6.3

Determination of Carbonate Content – Rapid Tritation method


Lab-Chem | Carbonate Content

To calculate the Carbonate content of a specimen, you must first select the standard from the Test_Method field on the Carbonate_Content (upper) table that the specimen is being tested against. Once selected, click Save and the necessary data entry fields will be automatically highlighted to assist you in entering the relevant data in the Carbonate_Content (upper) and Carbonate_Content (lower) table for the selected test method.

Enter the test data in the data entry fields and click Save, Ctrl+S or change table to initiate the calculation. The values will be calculated automatically and the result will be displayed in the calculated fields.

The Carbonate Content (lower) table is related to the BS 1377-3:1990 6.3 Method and allows the user to introduce the test data. Otherwise, if ASTM Standard is selected, the calibration of the carbonate content apparatus must be entered in the Carbonate_Content_Calibration table.

Check the box Calculate_CaCO3_from_CO2 to calculate the Carbonate_Content_CaCO3 from Carbonate_Content CO2 Value when BS 1337-3:1990:6.3 Standard is selected.


  • Graphic Text Report | L CH CARBONATE CONTENT
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