How to generate a one off gINT usage report

The Usage Report, will help you track usage.

If you’re using DGD Tool, it will inform Datgel the number of gINT licenses used.  As described in Datgel’s EULA the Country Seat and International Seat license types use the number of gINT instances open in a calendar hour.

In the case you have a QTL invoice, usage reports can help you understand the cause.

Step-by-step guide

1. Login to your SELECTserver:

2. Go to Reports, select a Peak Usage Reports > Daily Peak Application Usage, and select report parameters for  "Last 6 months"

3. Click 'Run Report'

4. Choose Excel Worksheet, then Export. 

 5. If you’re using DGD Tool, send the Usage Report to every 3 months.

To make this process automatic, please see Setup scheduled gINT usage data reporting article.

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