gINT reporting and navigation speed

Factors that control the speed of gINT report generation and navigation speed include:

  1. CPU speed on PC running gINT. gINT uses one core, so multi core processes are not well utilised by native gINT. Refer to

  2. Speed of access from the gINT program to the Library and Project.  

    1. The best response will be files stored on a fast local drive.  

    2. If you are working over a network ensure you have a gigabit network 

    3. Have a fast drive storing the library and project - be it local or on a server

  3. Unique access to the project and library.  Access databases slow down as more users have them open.

  4. Report complexity will slow output down.  Ensure your report code is not generating errors and doesn't have calculations happening on every line, e.g. calculating something for every reading of a CPT.

  5. With SQL Server, I have seen very large transaction log files that have not been truncated slow gINT down, also lack of RAM on the SQL Server host.

  6. Enough RAM on PC running gINT, and fast RAM too.  
    1. Prior to gINT gINT was not LARGEADDRESSAWARE so it could only use 1 GB of RAM. 
    2. As of gINT gINT is LARGEADDRESSAWARE so it can use 4 GB of RAM.
    3. gINT is a 32 bit program hence can only use 4GB, so no point having more than 8GB on a Win10 PC for the purpose of gINT.  

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