gINT Rules
gINT Rules are additional programmed functions written in VBA or .NET. Some automatically run as you enter data or move through the INPUT or Library Data applications, others are run when an Add-In menu is called by the user, or when user files are opened.
A license must be activated for these functions to run. Normally a network USB hardware type license is provided. Please refer to Datgel's fulfilment email or for your license details.
Table and System events
A number of gINT Rules table event triggered procedures are included in the DGDT program to validate data entry, optimise data entry and calculate data. These include:
- Validation that depths do not exceed the Hole Depth on most borehole data related tables.
- Validation that specimens lay within a sample range.
- Calculation of specimen description and PSD statistics based on PSD and Atterberg data to multiple classification standards. Occurs upon save on Specimen, Atterberg, Sieve and Sedimentation tables.
- Population of Bottom data from previous record's Depth data.
- Calculation of Sample and Specimen Top and Bottom Elevations and Sample Disposal Date.
- Calculate the Sample_Recovered_Length (controlled by Populate_Sample_Recovered_Length in Project_Options table). Only works for the new fields and it does not override existing data.
- Creation of a new Specimen for each sample if Specimen record does not exist (controlled by Create_Specimen in Project_Options table).
- Calculation of SPT data based on raw readings, including N, N60 and (N1)60 reported results. Options configurable on PROJECT_OPTIONS.
- SPT design line.
- Calculation of TCR, SCR and RQD values in Core table data based on measured data.
- Calculation of DCP data, and correlations of CBR and bearing capacity.
- Calculation of Point Load Test results from measured values.
- Calculation of Data Marker and colour for each PointID on the POINT table.
- Calculation of STRATA_MAIN.Cylinder_Colour based on configuration on GEOLOGY_UNIT_1.
- Auto pre-population of CONSISTENCY_DENSITY and MOISTURE_CONDITION tables with the depth ranges on the STRATA_MAIN table if the table is empty. Unused records will be removed on save.
- Calculation of In_Situ_Pore_Pressure, Total_Stress and Effective_Stress for SPECIMEN table records.
- Calculation of Liquid_Limit and Liquidity_Index on LAB_SOIL_ATTERBERG, also uses the Moisture Content from LAB_MOISTURE_CONTENT.
- Validation of Colour data on STRATA SOIL AS, STRATA ROCK AS, STRATA SOIL BS and AS STRATA ROCK BS tables.
- Auto population of STRATA_MAIN.Graphic and Graphic_Composite based on data entered in STRATA_SOIL_AS.USCS, STRATA_SOIL_COMPOSITE_AS.USCS, STRATA_ROCK_AS.Rock_Name and STRATA_ROCK_COMPOSITE_AS.Rock_Name.
- Auto populates the Core and SPT tables with the depth ranges on the Hole Info Depth table for new records and for relevant Methods.
- Auto populate sample number if currently empty and is a new record.
- Hide/Show of table groups, tables and fields based on PROJECT.Project_Type.
- Automatic creation of records on all PROJECT level tables after entering data on Project table.
Add-In commands
Add-In commands are available from the menu INPUT | Add-Ins > Datgel DGD Tool. These include:
- Point Load Test Form: Efficiently enter Is50 results.
- Pre-populate Lab Data Entry Table: Efficiently enter and edit multiple lab results in one table interface.
- Import Tool: Batch imports data files in the formats: AGS, GPJ, MDB, XLSX/XLS, CSV, RMS ENCORE CSV, and VicRoads Excel Log XLSX/XLS.
- Excel Export Tool: Export the data to a formatted excel file.
- Field and Lab Description Comparison: Comparison between the Field classification symbol and the Laboratory classification symbol.
- Calculate all Specification Check: Calculates all Specification Check fields.
- Rock UCS Average Calculations: For each UCS test, an average of the test results performed in a selected distance from the UCS test will be calculated (CaCO3, PLT and Dry Density).
- Material Mass Classification Tool: Streamlines the classification of material based on a user defined classification system with up to three parameters.
- Set Coordinate Chainage Offset: Calculates the coordinates/chainage/offset for records from a pre-defined alignment name, chainage, offset and coordinates, or vice versa.
- Set Elevation or Depth from Surface: Sets an elevation or depth field of a project table in gINT from values in a gINT surface based on the PointID's East and North.
- Set Seabed Elevation: Calculates seabed elevation for each PointID based on water depth and tidal information.
- Surface File Pre-process: Edits and corrects grid files before they are imported into gINT Surfaces.
- Fracture Spacing From Defects: Calculates Fracture frequency or Averge Defect Spacing based on Defects data and other relevant information.
- Populate Bottom: Population of Bottom data for current table from previous record's Depth data.
- Unit to Strata Main: Easy populate Strata_Main.Geology_Unit_1 from data stored in Unit table.
- Downhole Survey: Calculates the North, East and Elevation values for a given depth, orientation and plunge
- Set Material Name: Writes data to fields named Material_Name, Material_Term_# on depth related tables based on the data stored in STRATA_MAIN table and its children such as STRATA_SOIL_AS. Hence it can be used to write the material name to each record on a depth related table, such as a lab test.
- Populate Hide Scenario Library Tables: Inserts names of new tables into the configuration library table.
- AGS Format Tool: Developer tools to help with the support of AGS Format within gINT.
- Convert Projects Tool: Convert gINT access projects with extended options.
- Excel Export Tool: Facilitates the export of data from gINT to a formatted excel template.
- Export Tool: Exports data to several files types, either one file per PointID or all PointIDs in one file, and allows the user to define a filter.
- Find and Set Property Tool: Find or Set the property of a database, table or field in gINT.
- Import Correspondence File to Field Map Tool: Converts a gci file into a csv file in the format needed by DATA DESIGN | Project Database | Tools > Replace Field Names.
- Lookup List Check Tool: Checks all tables and fields in the gINT project for lookups and verifies the value with the lookup source.
- SQL Tool: Builds and executes SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT and DELETE SQL statements.
- Settings: This forms manages the DGD Tool software exception logging options.
- Licensing: In this command you can manage the license configuration.
- About: This command will display information about the DGD Tool product.