Linking User Defined Project Tables

A user may need to link a user defined / non-standard CPT Tool project table to the CPT Tool calculation. Data on the new table would be used by the Formula Tool, and hence when the data on the table is changes the user would need the CPT calculation to be initiated. To achieve this there are a number of steps needed.

  1. For the fields in the table that if changed should cause a calculation, colour them Field – Enter Data. This is done in INPUT selecting the column/field, and selecting Tables > Field Properties…, or from DATA DESIGN | Project Database.
  2. For the new table, select Tables > Properties… | gINT Rules, and set the so named gINT Rules table events to DATGEL DGD!OnSave and DATGEL DGD!AfterSave.
  3. Select gINT Rules > gINT Rules Code…, and open module DATGEL DGD. Add new lines in the to the end of the case statements for OnSave and AfterSave like this:

    Case "<New table name>"
    End Select
    End Sub
  4. Go DATA DESIGN | Library Data | DG_CPT_FIELD_MAP, and add a new line, and enter data in the Table_Name, set Location to Project and check Change_Initiates_Calc.