Importing unstructured excel files into the Datgel CPT Tool


We usually get our data in an excel format, but I’m not sure if it is gINT excel format. I’m not sure which correspondence file to choose though, and also which format my excel file should be in or if I should save into another format. 


Ask the CPT contractor for data in the acquisition software's native file format, e.g. Gorilla or GEF.  Then import these files.

If you must use excel files, and you have a hand full of files, then the simplest thing is to make a POINT and CPT_GENERAL record in the gINT project database, then copy paste the data into the CPT_DATA table.

Alternatively, you could add sheets to the excel file POINT, CPT_GENERAL, CPT_DATA, and create formulas referencing the pre-existing sheet.  Hence you are creating a gINT compatible excel file, then import using the Datgel Import Tool or native gINT.

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