Quick Start Guide


This page guides you through the setup and explains basic use of the CPT Tool. 

gINT Logs, Professional or Professional Plus must be installed and licensed on your computer to use the CPT Tool.

gINT trial download and installation

Download gINT

Download the current release of gINT from https://softwaredownloads.bentley.com/ and log-in using your Bentley Select Username and password, for detailed instructions see How to download gINT from Bentley Website. 

If you need a trial installer of gINT, contact to sales@datgel.com.

Install and activate gINT trial

  1. Installation: 
    1. Ensure you are logged in as a local administrator, or have local administrator credentials ready to use.  Run the file gint########en.exe.
    2. The installation of Connection Client and gINT software starts.
    3. When the Custom Setup install wizard form appears, you should set "gINT Standard User Files" to "Entire feature will be unavailable".  This is the default.
    4. Select the gINT product Professional or Professional Plus
  2. Activation: Ensure you are logged into the Bentley Connection Client (program in system tray). If you don't have a Bentley Systems login, then register one. That could be done using a company email or a personal email.  That later will be a safe way to ensure your use of gINT is not later billed as a Quarterly Term License.

Open gINT

Company Information

First time you open gINT, the Company Information window will pop-up. Only the company name is required.

Later, you may access to this window in the menu Help > Company Information

System Properties

When you click OK in the Company Information window, the System Properties window will pop-up. In this window you store the general system properties.

File Location Defaults

The File Locations Defaults are used to quick save and access to the required gINT files folders. It is useful to configure the folders according your workflow.

  1. If you are trialling the software, you can select the Datgel product\gINT Files folder for all options. 
  2. If you are a gINT and Datgel product user, we recommend the following settings.
    1. Set Project Database and Drawings to the top of the folder hierarchy where you store project data
    2. Set Data Template, Scripts and Custom coordinate to the non-project specific folder on your file server, e.g. R:\gINT-Datgel\. Also store the library here.
    3. Check the box, Allow more than one user to open a file for editing.

Data Entry

  1. Check the box for Omit 'Must Save' prompt when save is required.
  2. Do not check European Numeric Format during Data Entry.  This feature causes errors with scientific notation fields and importing data.  Also ensue Windows has dot . for a decimal place.


If you cannot see the drawing cursor in drawing applications, then check Use small drawing cursor.


  1. Set Unspecified Line Thickness (inches): 0.007
  2. Set Unspecified Point Thickness (inches): 0.01
  3. Set Number of digits to force sci. notation on frame divisions: 9
  4. Check Boundary Line inserted below last text segment at a depth.

DXF Files

No change.


  1. If you wish to use Database Design, Report Design etc., you must uncheck Hide Design Applications. This is unchecked by default. 
  2. You may like to adjust the Automatic File Backups option.

You may access to this form in the menu File > System Properties

Datgel CPT Tool Installation and Licensing

The CPT Tool package can be downloaded from datgel.com.

Package Content

  1. Documentation folder:
    1. Example reports
    2. EULA
    3. Links to the product and licensing online user guides
    4. Link to email to support.
  2. gINT Files folder:
    Two Data base structures are available in the gINT Files folder, the DGD SI (International System Units) and the DGD EN (English Units). Each one includes:
    1. gINT Project, gINT Library and gINT Data Template files:
      1. "datgel cpt tool dgd X.XX.X lib trial.glb" or "datgel cpt tool dgd X.XX.X lib.glb" (gINT library file)
      2. "datgel cpt tool dgd X.XX.X si.gpj" or "datgel cpt tool dgd X.XX.X en.gpj" (gINT project file)
      3. "datgel cpt tool dgd X.XX.X si.gdt" or "datgel cpt tool dgd X.XX.X si.gdt" (gINT data template)
    2. Correspondence files for import and export of data and import CPT raw data (.gci and .gcx)
  3. Example CPT Data Files: Includes data from different CPT file formats (.dcf, .gef, geoexplorer, gorilla, etc.)

Extract the all files in the zip to a folder on your local computer.


Before Installation

A few basic preparations can help ensure an effortless installation.

  • Make sure that the computer where you plan to install the program meets the minimum hardware and software requirements. Win 7 or later, with at least 4 GB of RAM.
  • Connect your PC to Internet before installation (the process may need a working Internet connection).

The CPT Tool requires that the Microsoft .NET 4.8 framework is installed on the PC prior to the installation of the Tool. If your PC does not have this, then it will be automatically downloaded and installed during the Tool installation process.

  • Log into the PC with Administrator privileges before starting installation.
  • It is recommended that you exit out of other applications that maybe running on your PC.
  • Close gINT before you start installation.

Install DLL Program

  1. Browse to the folder \Installation Files in the extracted ZIP.
  2. Double click the file named  DatgelCptTool-#.#.#.#.exe.
  3. Click  Run  to begin installation.  Follow on the screen instructions when installation begins:
  4. Click  Next  on the  Welcome to the Datgel CPT Tool Setup  dialog
  5. Scroll and carefully read the  License Agreement, and choose option  I Agree, and click  Next.
    Alternatively choose  I Do Not Agree  and click Cancel if you disagree with the license agreement. The installation will stop and exit.
  6. On the  Select Installation Folder  dialog, either accept the default folder (recommended) or select  Browse  to specify the folder where you want to install the Datgel CPT Tool Add-In.
    Leave  Everyone  bulleted to indicate that anyone logged onto the PC can use the Datgel CPT Tool Add-In.
    Click  Next  when ready.
     OPTIONAL  Click on  Disk Cost  to view the disk space statistics. Click  OK  when done
  7. Click  Next  to start installation.
  8. Observe the progress bar to monitor installation progress
  9. Click  Close  when the  Installation Complete  dialog is displayed.

Open gINT

  1. Start gINT
  2. When you open gINT if it asked for a library, then browse to the downloaded .zip folder and select the library file (.glb).  Otherwise after gINT opens select File > Change Library, and browse to the aforementioned library. Note: the library is locked for the Trial version.
  3. Select File > Open Project. Browse to the downloaded .zip folder and select the project file (.gpj)

License Activation

Once the installation of the Datgel Tool is completed, you need to activate the license. The steps to follow are different and depend on if you are testing a Trial version or a Full Licensed version.

Trial version Installation and Licensing

Licensing the Trial Version

A Trial License allows you to use the product for a limited time (typically 14 days) and with a limited number of transactions.

  1. The first time you open the CPT Tool library this form will show.  You can access it later using select  Add-Ins > Datgel CPT Tool > Licensing. From the license Activation prompt, select  Activate a software key license or trial license
  2. Select the option for  I want to activate a trial license
  3. Click  Next
  4. Click  Close
  5. Click  Finish

For a detailed explanation see https://docs.datgel.com/license-system/user-guide/obtain-a-license#ObtainaLicense-TrialLicense.
If you need to extend the Trial License, see https://docs.datgel.com/license-system/user-guide/obtain-a-license#ObtainaLicense-ExtendaTrialLicense.

Full Licensed version Installation and Licensing

Validate a Single User Hardware Key

Use this procedure if you have received a  Hardware Key  with your license purchase.

  1. Make a note of the license number and serial number – you need them to complete the installation.
  2. The first time you open the CPT Tool library this form will show.  You can access it later using select  Add-Ins > Datgel CPT Tool > Licensing.
    Select the option for  Use a hardware key license.
    Click  Next.
  3. Select the option for  I have an active hardware key and need to enter or update the license number, serial number [or server name].
    Click  Next.

  4. Select the  Contact Details  tab and enter relevant information.
  5. Select the  License Details  tab and enter relevant details in the  Single User Hardware Key  area.
  6. Click  Validate Single User Hardware Key.
  7. Click  Close.
    If the license is not validated successfully, check the following:
    1. Serial Number and License Number has been entered correctly
    2. The Hardware Key is attached to your PC and is the correct key for this product
  8. On the Datgel Tool dialog, click  Save.
  9. Click  Close.

If you need to validate a Network Key License refer to License Administration.
If you are converting from a software licence to a Single User Hardware Key License, you must deactivate the Software Key License first (refer to Deactivate a Single User Software Key License).

Using the tool

Review existing example data

The gINT files included in the package contain some example data that covers all type of calculations and reports included in the Tool. You may review this data, change parameters and options and recalculate to see the changes. Also, the next sections include a detailed explanation about import, process and print a report.

This tutorial uses Datgel's standard DGD SI CPT Tool gINT Files, located on the downloaded .zip folder in folder gINT Files\DGD SI\.

Create a new Project

  1. Open the datgel cpt tool dgd lib X.XX.glb, using File > Change Library.
  2. Create a new project, select the command INPUT | File > New Project > Clone Data Template..., and select the datgel cpt tool dgd X.XX SI.gdt file, and click Open. Then provide the name Tutorial 1.gpj and click Save.

Importing CPT and Dissipation Data

  1. Launch the Data Import Tool, by selecting Add-Ins > Datgel CPT Tool > Data Import.

    The CPT Tool splash screen should display, confirming you are now using the CPT Tool license.
    1. If you're using a trial license, then a form displays how many uses you have remaining.
    2. If nothing happens, then confirm you have installed the CPT Tool program by running the setup.exe file located in the Installation Files folder on the .zip folder.
    3. If you haven't previously validated your license, i.e. by entering the serial number, license number, contact details, and server name in the case of a network license. Then you will be prompted to do so now, and you should refer to Validate the License.

      You should now see the Data Import Tool form.
  2. In this tutorial we will import GEF files.
    1. Set File Type to GEF 1.1.0 (*.gef)
    2. Set Overwrite Option to Never
    3. Set Correspondence File to …\datgel_cpt_tool_dgd_si_X.XX_gef_##.gci. The gci can be found in the gINT Files\DGD SI\ folder on the downloaded .zip folder. The gci file translates the data during the import process between a temporary CSV file created by the CPT Tool code and the DGD database tables and fields.
    4. Select the Browse… button in the top right of the form, and browse to the \Example CPT Data Files\ folder from the downloaded .zip folder. Select: "GEF_01.GEF" "GEF_01_D01.GEF" "GEF_01_D02.GEF". The D files are dissipation test files related to the GEF_01.GEF file. The form should now look similar to the screenshot (apart from the folder paths).
    5. Click Execute. There will be a short pause while the Datgel code translates the data, then you will see a gINT progress form.

      Finally, when the import is complete a gINT Import Log form will display. 

      It can be useful to review the Source and Target record counts to confirm the data has imported. The Log also lists overwrite and lookup warnings. In this case the warnings are of little consequence.
      You may now like to step through the tables in the project file, and observe the imported data. Note that some values, such as those on the Project_Parameters table are default values stored in the data template file that was used to make the new project.

Configuring Parameters and CPT Data Analysis

The following information must be entered for the basic CPT Calculations to occur:

  • CPT | CPT_Data - Upper: Test Number, Cone ID, and (optionally) Groundwater Depth. Set Groundwater Depth to 1.
  • CPT | CPT_Data - Lower: Depth, qc, fs, u2 (for CPTu)
  • CPT | Cone_Information: Cone ID, Cone Area Ratio (for CPTu), Cone Sleeve Offset (used to filter rod change noise for f_s), and Cone Diameter (used by dissipation test analysis)
  • CPT-Configuration | Point_Parameters: (optionally) Groundwater Depth
  • CPT-Configuration | Project_Parameters: Most fields should be set, and these will be used as default values. In particular to enable basic calculations you should define:
  • Bulk_Unit_Weight, default is 17 kN/m3
  • Bulk_Unit_Weight_Saturated, default is 18 kN/m3
  • Soil_Class_Method_1, change to Robertson 1990 Extrapolated
  • Soil_Class_Method_2, leave default

Refer to section  Groundwater and Overwater Testing for a detailed explanation of where to set groundwater data.

When you change the value of related fields the CPT Tool table calculation will automatically initiate. You can suppress the automatic calculation by checking Suppress_Automatic_Calculation on Project_Parameters, and the calculation can be run later as part of a batch calculation (for more information see section Data Entry for Begemann Mechanical CPT).

The resulting CPT | CPT_Data screen should look like this:

Transfer Summary of Material Description

A summary of the soil layers will be transferred to the Strata Main table. Select Add-Ins > Datgel CPT Tool > Transfer Description and Consistency for current PointID, then move to Main_Group | Strata_Main to see the transferred descriptions. You can edit the description data, and it will not be over written unless you run the Add-In again.

Output a Log

To produce a log output click on the OUTPUT tab.

From the Logs tab, click on the yellow drop down list and select the Report CPTU SU DR A3L. Then click on the PointID browse button and select PointID GEF_01.

Then click preview, and you should see this:

Export data

  1. Launch the Export Tool, by selecting Add-Ins > CPT Tool > Export Tool.

    You should see the Export Tool form.
  2. In this tutorial we will export GEF files.
    1. Set File Type to GEF CPT-DATA (*.gef)
    2. Set the Language to Nederlands
    3. Check Dissipation test check box to export dissipation data
    4. Select the Browse... button and select a location to there the data will be exported.
    5. Select the Point GEF 01 under the Available PointIDs box and click the right arrow () to move it to the Selected PointIDs box.
    6. Click Execute. There will be a short pause while the Datgel code translates the Data. Finally, when the export is complete a gINT Export Log form will display

      It can be useful to review the files created to confirm the data has exported. It will show export errors too.
      You may now like to step through the folder and observe the exported data.

More Information

Refer to section Dissipation Test Analysis for a tutorial on that subject.

When you are comfortable with basic operations with the CPT Tool, you can learn about more advanced operations in section Tutorials.

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